This was the Sphinxs riddle. The answer is a human. Bear Who Walks On Two Legs Is Back To Strolling Around The Neighborhood Youtube Please find below the answer for I walk on 4 legs in the morning 2 legs at noon and 3 legs at night. . 4 legs in the morning is a baby crawling 2 legs in the afternoon is an older child or adult that walks using just its legs and 3 legs in the evening is an elderly person who uses a walking stick to help hisher walking. Oedipus solved the riddle. 4 legs in the morning is a baby crawling 2 legs in the afternoon is an older child or adult that walks using just its legs and 3 legs in the evening is an elderly person who uses a walking stick to help hisher walking. Afternoon adulthood until old age requires him to use a cane to support himself three legs in the evening evening old age finally he dies no legs at. It is referring to the life of a manwoman. An alternative version tells. ...
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